Which sensor to get which is cost effective?

Hi All,
I bought a 3d printer and built a Mostly Printed CNC Router (MPCNC router) so I would like to start printing and routing items.
There seems to be two options photogrammetry or scanning.
I bought a Kinnect v1 from eBay and had a play but unless I’m going shrink the output the resolution isn’t very good.
I was thinking about an Intel RealSenseD435 as the Azure Kinect seems a bit expensive to get for me here in the UK.
I’m looking for a sensor which will allow me to scan the attached item which is about 30cm in diameter.
Any advice would be appreciated.
Dave T.

Hello Dave,

for smaller objects like yours we would recommend Intel SR305 as it allows to scan an object from a closer range (around 30 cm) which would increase the chance of capturing small details in the object. The second choice could be Intel D415, since it has a higher accuracy for
close-range scenes than D435.

However, this particular object is relatively flat, so we can’t guarantee that any of these sensors would capture the shape variation well.

Best regards,

Thanks Olga for the information.
It seems like Intel are still selling all of them from the States.

I’ve attempted to buy a sr305 but there was a couple of parts missing.
I’ve come across two issues:

  1. The sr305 needs a usb3 connection and the cable with the camera is short (1M) so a card and a extender resolved this.
  2. Black items are invisible to the sensor. This is a bummer as a large number of items have black on the surface of them. I’m assuming its the sensor using light to workout the distance and black doesn’t reflect the light. Is there a solution except for changing the black surfaces to a different colour?
    David Tovee

Hello Dave,

you are right, SR305 does have a problem of not being able to capture depth of black surfaces. You could try to lower the laser power, this might improve the situation a bit. There is also a thread on Intel’s forum discussing this issue: https://community.intel.com/t5/Items-with-no-label/Depth-map-of-black-pixels-in-an-image-is-not-coming/td-p/354011?profile.language=en. You could try some suggestions fro there.

Best regards,

Hi Olga,
Thanks for your help but SR305 resolution seems to be quite poor.
I think my expectations are to high for the capabilities of the sensor.
Is there a better for scanning smaller items?
David Tovee

Hello David,

unfortunately there is nothing better. From all the sensors that we support this one is the best for scanning small objects.

Best regards,