Tiny UltraSound Image with Clarius 9.1.0

Dear ImFusion Support,

Trying out 2.39.3 including Clarius 9.1.0 support leads to the display of a tiny US image.

I also wonder how the size can be specified in the iws file as I am not seeing the dimensions attribute anymore.
Our old configuration working ok with 2.37.8 was

        <property name="Clarius Stream">
            <param name="serverAddress">$CLARIUS_IP</param>
            <param name="serverPort">$CLARIUS_PORT</param>
            <param name="dimensions">640 454 </param>
            <param name="convertToGray">0</param>
            <param name="connect">1</param>
            <param name="start">1</param>
            <param name="execute">1</param>
            <param name="keepControllerOpen">1</param>
            <param name="inputUids"></param>
            <param name="outputUids">"data0" </param>

The new one is

        <property name="Clarius Stream">
            <param name="serverAddress"></param>
            <param name="serverPort">38079</param>
            <param name="convertToGray">0</param>
            <param name="flipView">0</param>
            <param name="spacing">0.25</param>
            <param name="depth">100</param>
            <param name="gain">50</param>
            <param name="execute">1</param>
            <param name="keepControllerOpen">1</param>
            <param name="inputUids"></param>
            <param name="outputUids">"data0" </param>

How the dimension of the expected US image can be specified?

Thank you,

Hi David, we have removed the dimensions setting in favor of the spacing setting. This setting should specify the size of a pixel in millimeters, and therefore it is inversely proportional to the resolution of the image. We made this change so that the resolution can be dynamically adapted when the depth changes.

Can you please try setting the spacing to a lower value and see if this fixes the problem? If this doesn’t solve the problem please record a few frames and send them to me so that I can further investigate the problem.


Hi Matteo,

Here are 3 screenshots showing different spacing value. The resolution changes along vertical axis but not the horizontal one.

The one where spacing is set to 0.33, the vertical dimension (455) is correct but I don’t understand why it is rendered so small.
