Regarding the export of obj with UV texture - in the new version the texture will be saved automatically if you select .obj or .ply and if your mesh has a texture. To generate a textured mesh you can do the following: after the reconstruction, in the post-processing step you can perform “Re-texture” which will map the captured keyframes onto your mesh. If you then save such mesh in .obj or .ply format, the texture will be saved with it. However, if your mesh only has vertex colors and no texture, it is not possible anymore to save it as a mesh with texture.
F4 function should still work. Just press F4 and click in the depth view to specify the line end points for performing the mesurement.
I downloaded the previously recorded sequence and performed the reconstruction.
In such an example “Re-texture” - does not create UV
Does this mean that previously recorded sequences (old versions) will not work properly?
“Re-texture” should work with recorded sequences as well. Could you maybe send us the sequence for which it didn’t work? Then we can investigate the problem.
The fact is that the program cannot show key frames.
The program considers them. The long sequence has more key frames. But none of all key frames can be seen.
The F4 button should only work after the sensor is connected or the sequence is open. In version 2.0.8, when a button is pressed, the program crashes.
no button lock - it should be blocked until the sensor connection
we’ve been able to reproduce all of the issues that you reported. We will introduce fixes for these issues till the end of this week and will let you know when the new version is available. Once again thank you for the bug report!
Hello Olga,
As I guess, it is key frames that will be involved in creating the texture map UV.
There is still a small question. What is the point of viewing these frames if editing is not available?
Whether you can add the ability to control the selection of frames? For example, move selected frame to the previous or next, add, delete, edit before applying the frame to the 3D mesh?
Best regards, user
you are right, currently the keyframes can be viewed only for the purpose of understanding of how the texture was “assembled”. In the future release we plan to add some reasonable functionality to it: exactly as you suggested, we plan to introduce the editing possibility.
today we’ve released the new version which should fix the problems that you’ve reported. You can download it from our website ( Please let us know if you run into some issues.
At the moment, the only way is to record a sequence in the old version to open the recorded sequence in the new version.
Only in this mode I was able to check the overlapping texture UV.
I am not satisfied with the result.
Unfortunately, the kinekt has too poor factory calibration. And your program has no way to fix it.
Textures are applied too crooked.
I probably will have to use photogrammetry.
Best regards, user