I would like to access to meta data (header) of images, to edit a tag when I export the labels. I thought I could use the pre-processing script for that, however I could not find the documentation of the imfusion python module. Or even better, it would be great if I could execute my python IDE (pycharm) in the environment of imfusion so that I can access to your API while coding my script.
How could I do that ?
As part of the ImFusion Labels documentation (which you can open from the application), there is a Writing Algorithms section which explains how to write python scripts using the ImFusion python SDK, and also links to the documentation of the python module itself. In the Export section you can find a template that describes the expected python script format for pre-processing.
I am sorry, I deeply read the Imfusion Labels documentation, but could not find the link to the documentation of the python module. I found the following Note :
For more information about the data structures used in the ImFusion SDK, please refer to the documentation of the imfusion Python module itself.
This must be a problem with how we package the installer, we will get this fixed for the next versions. For now I’ve bundled the python module documentation manually; you can download it here: https://imfusion.com/downloads/ImFusionLabels/pydoc.zip