Potentially graphics related issue when trying to run Imfusion Suite


I am trying to install and use ImFusion Suite (Academic installeration) on Ubuntu 24.04. The installation was successful but when trying to run the software the following error pops up.

QSocketNotifier: Can only be used with threads started with QThread
[GL.ContextManager] Using OpenGL core context since IMFUSION_USE_OPENGL_COMPATIBILITY environment variable is not defined.
QWaylandGLContext::makeCurrent: eglError: 3009, this: 0x5fe2b10aec50 

[ImFusion Suite] Caught exception during initialization: Could not make OpenGL context current on offscreen surface.

Is this a known issue, and, do you have any idea of what would be the potential fix?

Thank you,

Hi manasikattel,
welcome to the Forum!

We have seen some issues with Wayland before and we are working on providing a long term solution for this. For the time being, could you try if setting any or both of these environment variables helps?


Best Regards,

Hi Federico,

It actually solves this particular issue, thanks a lot!


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