We use the scanning for the making of insoles. One client uses the same settings (using high density and retexture function)
The file in obj and wrl doesn’t contain the photo/skin of the foot while importing it in our designsoftware.
Other installations with the same settings doesn’t give the same problem.
When we use custom settings and export this 3D scan then we have it with the photo… but then is the quality of the scan very poor.
Any idea how this could be resolved?
Hello Arno,
can you provide me with workpaces and sequences that allow me to reproduce your issues?
Hello Alex,
Thank you for your quick answer.
Here you find a link to download the settings we uses (+ high density and re-texture)
Hello Arno,
ich would need a sequence, i.e. a rfs file as well, which you used together with the rfw file, such that I can directly reproduce everything.
Hello Alex,
I don’t know wich file you mean? Lika a saved mesh in obj or wrl ?
I asked the customer to send the workspace but that’s only a rfw file