I am evaluating software for purchase and have a question on the best setup for 4 azure kinect cameras. I would like to place cameras around subject to be scanned and then initiate reconstruction. Can the recfusion software correctly calibrate the cameras so that the reconstruction will capture all data assuming the cameras are properly overlapped? I am trying to avoid using a turntable or moving a camera slowing around a static person or object. If you think I would need additional cameras to accomplish this then I do have 6 Intel realsense D435 cameras. Would using the 6 realsense accomplish this? I am willing to purchase more realsense cameras if needed. Also can I use a combination of the kinects and realsense cameras? Will they all calibrate properly? Thank you for your help!
Reconstructing from static setups is not directly supported in RecFusion. Our calibration procedure also will not work so well for cameras distributed around a person instead of placed on top of each other as for a turntable setup. You can still try with the demo version of RecFusion Pro and see whether the quality of the results is sufficient for your application.