Measuring the Width of the Pedicles from the Keypoints


I am trying to measure the width of the Left and Right pedicles.

Is there a straight forward way of doing so?
Using the ImFusion SDK and automating this calculation. Looking for the smallest tolerance.


Hi Jonathan,
it’s a bit tricky to speak of “a” width here since the pedicles are three-dimensional. Do you only want to measure the width in the current slice, or do you want something like “the maximum radius of an inscribed ball at the point in 3D”?
Best Regards,

I want the overall width of the pedicle in 3D space, the radius of a sphere pretty much. I have to make sure that a screw can go through that pedicle with a certain amount of tolerance. I want to be able to calculate that tolerance based on the location of the pedicle keypoints.

Hi Jonathan,

in that case the easiest solution would be too take the pedicle keypoint, and find the closest point of the segmentation mesh to the keypoint. That will be the sphere of smallest radius centered at the pedicle.

For your use-case with the screw you would need to implement some more complex logic.

Best Regards,