I am trying to edit a label map in the suite. What I do is to load the label map nifti file, set the modality as label map and then it is shown as a 3D label map in the suite. However, any method I tried for manually changing the class of some of the voxels, failed.
To give a bit of context, we have a generative model that can create synthetic CT images given the labels. We added this as a python plugin. The next step is to manipulate the label map we have from a healthy patient to introduce abnormalities in the semantic domain, and then generate CT images with those abnormalities included. For this we need to modify the label map. Is it possible to do so in the suite?
What I tried was to load the interactive segmentation window, and in there, I selected “initialize from existing segmentation” but it says “none available” (see the screenshot). It seems like it only accepts a mesh to initialize a segmentation and not a label map.
I would advise to rather use the Segmentation Toolbox, that you should have if your installer includes Labels.
Now the thing is that this algorithm expects either an input image (and will create a label map) or both an input image and an existing compatible label map (and will then modify the current label map).
So you need to create a dummy image (the easiest would be to clone the current label map and remove its modality by right clicking and selecting Remove Modality). Then select this dummy image first and the label map to modify second, and then right click and open Segmentation>Segmentation Toolbox.
A more comprehensive controller with brushes, deformations, etc. (actually the one from Labels) will appear.
By the way if you ever want to write your own manual segmentation plugin in order to customize even more, you can start from this demo that we recently released: