Import 3D Nifti File failed in Imfusion Suite

Dear All,

I am trying to import 3D CT scans (grayscale) in Nifti format with type: short and sub-type: NIFTI_TYPE_INT8.

I getting the following error mesage:
The voxel unit type is unspecified in file: path/file.nii
Proceeding on the assumption that the voxel units are specified in millimeters (mm).
The image spacing information is likely to be incorrect.

Can anyone advise how to handle this error.

Best regards

Dear Nicolas,

Thank you for your message.

Would you be able to share this dataset with us, so that we can more easily investigate the problem? (you can also send it to me via private message)
Also, can you give us some information on how it was generated in the first place, for instance does it come from a public dataset, or did you export it from another software?

Dear Prevost,

Thank you for your message.

The dataset come from an online repository and have been cropped in Amira and rigidly registered in Scalismo.
Yes, I can send data via a private message.

Best regards

Dear Nicolas,

We have just merged a fix for this problem.
This will be available in the next version of our software.

Thank you again for reporting the issue.