Graphical Error Clarius setup

Dear Imfusion team,
we are trying to integrate clarius, but unfortunately setting ip/port in window is not possible (graphical error?). Does it have to do with the error message which appears? What could be a solution to solve it?
Version is: ImFusionSDKSetup-Academia-3.8.6_jbcu027h, operating system is windows 10 Enterprise.
Thanks for your help:)

Dear Lovis,
unfortunately, there was a bug in the UI, which caused this collapsed controller. We fixed it and updated the academic installers. Please download the new version 3.9.0 and the problem should be solved.
Kind regards,

Thank you, this fixed the error!

Unfortunately images can be processed due to incompatiblity in cast version. Do you plan to integrate newer versions of clarius cast in the future?

Yes, we plan to integrate the 11.2.0 version very soon. What version do you use right now? If you already use this version or if you can update to 11.2.0, we can provide an updated installer.

Great, thank you! Yes at the moment we have 11.2.0 on the scanner.