Hello, I’m trying to do a reconstruction with a custom sensor. I have already managed to interface the sensor, and copy the color/depth matrices into the recfusion instances. I followed the RealSense sample.
But when i call the method getMesh() from the RecFusion::Reconstruction class, the output on the terminal is:
Saving reconstruction
Mesh: 0 triangles, 0 vertices
MarchingCubes: 559.605 ms
And the generated .ply file is empty. Could someone help me?
I suppose the reconstruction should work without it right? It just won’t map the colors correctly, right? What are these “intrinsics” exactly? I have experience as a programmer, but not on 3D reconstruction.
this would pose a problem. You need to set up the intrinsics of the camera. Intrinsics defines the matrix which contains information about the focal length and the principal point. Depending on the camera you use, you might be able to get this information from the camera itself. For example, see a RealSenseReconstruction sample, where we query the intrinsics of RealSense camera.
I am able to generate the mesh with the sensor and the SDK, but the color is constant within the mesh. I print the colors on the console, and I see some variation, but when I view the mesh on Meshlab, the color is not good.
in which format are you saving the mesh? If it’s STL, it doesn’t support colors. Otherwise, could you please send us the file, so that we can analyze it?