Data Loading problem

Hi there,
we imported the Data into an ImFusionLabels project as we usually do and we get this error message, when trying to open a CBCT for annotation:

“The selected dataset could not be loaded from … . Make sure that the file exists ans is valid. If you have moved or renamed the file, please update … manually.”

We didn´t move or rename the file and even if we would I failed updating manually.
Do you have an idea how we could solve this?

Some questions to help troubleshoot the issue

  • Is this a file that you used to be able to open, but stopped working at some point?
  • What is the file format of the data? (DICOM, nifti…?)
  • Can you make sure that the path used by ImFusion Labels (shown in the error message) still points to a valid file?

thanks for responding!

  • On the machine where the problem occurs we never worked on this file. But I have the same files on another machine to work on and there I get no problems
  • Its a CBCT in DICOM format we used the DICOM option to import
  • we checked the path in ImFusion Labels and it is the correct path to the valid files