Hi, I’m trying to run the ConsoleReconstruction example with a custom sensor that i’m integrating the SDK with.
When it comes to the part that the reconstruction is instanciated, i get the following error:
Device 0
Name: GeForce MX110
Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
Max compute units: 2
Max work group size: 1024
Global memory: 2147483648
Image support: 160
Device 1
Name: Intel(R) UHD Graphics 620
Vendor: Intel(R) Corporation
Max compute units: 24
Max work group size: 256
Global memory: 8554119168
Image support: 160
Initialized OpenCL program SurfaceReconstruction
Initialized OpenCL program SurfaceReconstruction
Initialized OpenCL program Reduction
Kernels: 18.9794 ms
SurfaceReconstruction: Created OpenCL context
Buffer allocation: 0.2538 ms
Couldn't create OpenCL image (-40)
SurfaceReconstruction: Failed to create OpenCL buffers
Destroyed image buffers
Destroyed image buffers
Destroyed OpenCL buffers
Destroyed OpenCL context
Reconstruction is: 0
Has anyone had the same problem? Thanks