Bought the RecFusion SDK, How do I get license?

Hello everyone,

I have bought the RecFusion SDK and I asked about the license and I have got an e-mail that states:

please send us the Licence Request File for the machine on which you want to use the SDK as explained in the documentation. We will then send you your licence file.

But I have read the documentation from the SDK and I cannot find what I should send? In the documentation, it states the following:

In order to export the generated mesh you will need to obtain a RecFusion license. Licenses can be bought from and are node-locked to a single PC. After purchasing a license you will obtain a license key which you need to activate by calling [RecFusion::RecFusionSDK::activate

When I also look at the code I see this:

So what should I do to receive my license?


Hello Timothy,

we’ve just sent you a reply via e-mail. Let us know if you have any questions.

Best regards,