Best settings for Virtual Reality

What is the best way of getting simple meshes for VR?

I’ve been troubling a bit with outputting good meshes for VR, I usually slim down other models with blender, but the RecFusion output seems very dirty, the mesh is not fully connected, it’s full of holes, so when I decimate the holes get bigger with no real reduction in complexity, I attach photos

Even when I decimate the object to I still have these edges show up, seem to be remanents of the point cloud

I’m sure there must be a way to get VR ready or at least workable meshes, but I’ve been playing with the settings with no luck. I would really appreciate some help.

I was able to do something but not much with meshlab, but then I lose the UV mapping and I can’t re-texture, I need files that are less than one MB for VR, and I have been getting them in photogrammetry, but there are objects that need infrared light to be legible, that’s why I use recfusion, but these models are way, way above that even when very simplified.


besides decimation, you could also try “remove edges”, “clean” and “fill holes” functionality

“Remove edges” and “fill holes” will do exactly what the name suggests. With “Clean” you can remove different connected components.
Decimation should reduce the mesh complexity. The best way to see it would be to switch to “surface + wireframe” mode. This will allow you to see how the triangles of the mesh change after performing the decimation.
What decimation does internally, it increases the size of triangles, reducing their number and making the mesh simpler

Depending on the object you might need to change the “Max. edge length” parameter.

You can also do a workaround with Meshlab and not lose the texture. After performing the reconstruction with RecFusion, instead of saving only mesh, go to “File” -> “Save Project”. The project will contain the mesh (.ply) and also the keyframes that can be used for texturing (.rfs). Then you can load this mesh in Meshlab and perform the processing you need. After that, just load the project again in RecFusion and run “Re-texture”. This will perform the texture mapping onto your new processed mesh.

Let me know if we can further assist you.

Best regards,

Thank you Olga.

In case anyone else is having the same problem, I found the best solution is in blender, using the “weld” modifier, then decimate, I like it better than meshlab because the modification is visible in real time and you can see how much you can simplify the mesh while seeing how it interacts with the texture, and you can undo easily.

I like welding in blender because it does not distort the texture, uv maps are pretty solid, when I fill holes in recfusion the texture stretches in strange ways.