I’m generating a workspace file with a VideoForLinux input and would like to auto-start the acquisition, is this possible ?
Currently my workspace looks like:
In the “Datasets” section
<property name="Data">
<param name="uid">data0</param>
<param name="name">Dummy video device (0x0000)</param>
<property name="Configuration">
<param name="name">Dummy video device (0x0000)</param>
<param name="path">/dev/video4</param>
<param name="format">842093913</param>
<param name="grayscale">0</param>
<param name="resolution">1600 2560 </param>
and in algorithms section
<property name="VideoForLinux.VideoForLinux.Stream">
<param name="name">Dummy video device (0x0000)</param>
<param name="path">/dev/video4</param>
<param name="format">842093913</param>
<param name="grayscale">0</param>
<param name="resolution">1600 2560 </param>
<param name="execute">1</param>
<param name="keepControllerOpen">1</param>
<param name="inputUids"/>
<param name="outputUids">"data0" </param>
Note that the path(/name) configured in the workspace file does not seem to have an effect:
the “first” V4L device (my laptop internal webcam) is always selected when ImFusion starts, not the one matching /dev/video4
Best Regards