Algorithms order and dependency in the workspace file

I am trying to load two images (MR and US), resample US and register MR to US using the greedy demons algorithm. Apply the deformation to MR image and export the deformed image. But when I save the workspace and run it in terminal, I see that Applying the deformation is done before registration is started, no matter the order in iws file. Also, the export part is not saved in iws file so I added these lines to do the export:

<property name="NIFTI File">
       <param name="input">3</param>
       <param name="filename">mr/deformed/nonrigid.nii</param>
       <param name="execute">1</param>

So the question is how can I make applying the deformation dependent to registration.
below is the workspace file.

<!--ImFusion Suite, 15.03.2019-->
<propertyfile version="1.1">
    <param name="workspaceVersion">3</param>
    <property name="Algorithms">
        <property name="Set Modality">
            <param name="modality">3</param>
            <param name="input">0</param>
            <param name="execute">1</param>
        <property name="Set Modality">
            <param name="modality">4</param>
            <param name="input">1</param>
            <param name="execute">1</param>
        <property name="Image Resampling">
            <param name="Target Mode">2</param>
            <param name="Target Dimensions">79 103 86 </param>
            <param name="Target Percent">24 24 24 </param>
            <param name="Target Spacing">1 1 1 </param>
            <param name="Create New Image">1</param>
            <param name="Force CPU">0</param>
            <param name="Skip Smoothing">0</param>
            <param name="Preserve Extent">0</param>
            <param name="Keep Zero Values">1</param>
            <param name="Interpolation Mode">1</param>
            <param name="input">1</param>
            <param name="execute">1</param>
        <property name="Image Registration">
            <param name="image2IsMoving">1</param>
            <param name="Mode">Greedy Demons</param>
            <param name="preprocessingOptions">17</param>
            <param name="maxVRAM">512</param>
            <param name="targetRelSpacing">0.5</param>
            <param name="maxDimension">256</param>
            <param name="input">2 0</param>
            <property name="Greedy Demons">
                <param name="numLevels">4</param>
                <param name="minLevel">1</param>
                <param name="halfKernelSize">4</param>
                <param name="maxIterations">150</param>
                <param name="similarity">1</param>
                <param name="patchSize">1</param>
                <param name="weighting">1</param>
            <property name="Controller">
                <param name="userCloseable">1</param>
                <param name="expanded">1</param>
                <param name="resizable">0</param>
        <property name="Apply Deformation">
            <param name="nearestInterpolation">0</param>
            <param name="input">0</param>
            <param name="execute">1</param>
        <property name="NIFTI File">
            <param name="input">3</param>
            <param name="filename">mr/deformed/nonrigid.nii</param>
            <param name="execute">1</param>
    <property name="Datasets">
        <property name="Data">
            <param name="algorithm">NIFTI File</param>
            <param name="filename">mr/original/mr_no_skull.nii</param>
            <param name="name">mr_no_skull</param>
            <param name="topDown">1</param>
            <param name="transformation">1 -0 1.82058600606813e-27 0.07049560546875 -0 1 -0 -14.657470703125 -2.561427632497e-18 -0 1 1.28155517578125 -0 -0 -0 1 </param>
        <property name="Data">
            <param name="algorithm">NIFTI File</param>
            <param name="filename">us/received/us.nii</param>
            <param name="name">us</param>
            <param name="topDown">1</param>
            <param name="transformation">0.728208098535438 0.0751718161945049 0.681221054017534 -39.1386914839804 -0.022974149657562 0.996085383790993 -0.0853581599500368 -15.5106844358138 -0.684970892840497 0.0465080345995258 0.727084472392796 -6.31346087887031 -0 -0 -0 1 </param>

The Image Registration algorithm is missing the “execute” param and will only be opened by not actually executed. Just add <param name="execute">1</param> anywhere inside the <property name="Image Registration"> tag.

Tnx, that line did the trick